Category: Uncategorized

  • How the Letter “D” Changed Our Cities and Towns

    While correlation does not always imply causation, it begs the question, nevertheless: Why are the vast majority of the most powerless and impoverished citizens concentrated in cities run almost exclusively by Democrats? I mean, why is it that 80% of the FBI’s “Top 10” most violent cities are those run by Democrat mayors and city councils?

    Or that 90 percent of the poorest cities are run by Democrats? Or that 90 percent of the cities in the U.S. with the highest unemployment are run by Democrats? Or that Democrats are more likely to be involved in scandals regarding extramarital affairs, or scandalous affairs, otherwise? Whether all this is a result of ineffective policies, bad luck, or a genuine disinterest in the welfare of anyone else (other than themselves and their cronies), it still remains unclear.

    Statistically, Democrat-led cities outnumber those Republican-led ones by a ratio of 3 to 1, when looking at the 100 largest cities in our nation. And in all fairness, any Democrat missteps or misdeeds in office would obviously make headlines 3 times as much as it would for Republicans (just based on the numbers).

    But why are there so many Democrat-led cities, especially when there is generally more parity in the number of Democrats and Republicans serving in Congress? And again, why the high correlation between Democrat-led cities with the highest rates of poverty, violence, and scandal? 

    It could be just the number of registered Democrat voters outnumber Republican voters by 40% nationally, and with local turnout generally so low, a Republican (or “No Party”) candidate just has the odds of stacked against them, from the beginning. This is magnified here at home.

    In Shreveport, for example, the number of registered Democrat voters is more than double the number of registered Republicans voters. With those numbers, many would say a Republican candidate (city-wide) doesn’t even have a chance at winning. And therein may lie the answer to our question of why there’s so many Democrat mayors and city councils across the country that have presided over the economic and social decline of so many, once-thriving, American cities (like Shreveport).

    You see, there are many voters who may simply be reluctant to “throw their vote away” on a “longshot” Republican or No Party candidate, and instead look only for the “D” behind someone’s name, instead of their qualifications, and then pull the lever.

    Whether that is the answer or not, what you end up with is single-party politics at City Hall, and that is not so good for representing so many competing interests in our city. The checks and balances we have, as part of the elections process, only work when there are competing political parties, and with twice as many of us registering as “no party” voters in Louisiana, than Democrat or Republican combined, the checks and balances system has, in fact, become “un-checked and un-balanced.”

    The result is higher and higher Democrat-led cities, and the numbers on poverty, crime, and corruption, across the country, tell the tale.

    And unless voters hold elected officials accountable on election day (by actually showing up to the polls), the incumbents become less and less responsive to the voters, and as time marches on, they are more likely to be re-elected, and less likely to be removed, whether by the voters or prosecutors, or their own resignation.

    By the time they do get removed, though, or even investigated, it’s almost always too late. Remember New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin who was convicted on corruption charges for accepting bribes, free trips and other gratuities from contractors right after Hurricane Katrina? Or the mayor of Birmingham, Alabama who was convicted of accepting bribes in exchange for giving millions in sewer-bond business to a friend. Then there’s Nashville’s mayor who recently resigned amid a sex scandal involving her former head of security.

    Here at home, in New Roads, their mayor was indicted on ten felonies by a grand jury for putting thousands of dollars on a city issued credit card for personal use and then trading sexual favors from the city’s financial director in exchange her use of a city issued credit card, as well.

    Up in Allentown, Pennsylvania, the entrenched one-party politics was so bad that the mayor was re-elected to a fourth term, even after being indicted on 47 charges of trading contributions to his campaigns for favorable treatment to donors getting work from the city.

    Besides malfeasance in office, and dishonesty, what these mayors all have in common is that they have a “D” behind their name, and from the conviction rate and the indictments, there’s not much else worth noting. Of course, voters in those cities above probably didn’t think, at the time, they were “throwing their vote away” on those (soon to be) corrupted officials. They thought they were making it count by voting for who they thought would win (but that’s not the same as the best candidate for the job). In reality, they were throwing away more than a vote – it’s the future of their community.

    And no, this isn’t about tearing down one political party, or uplifting another (although it sure sounds like it). It’s just worth noting the remarkable correlation of Democrat-led cities with increased poverty, violent crime, and unmitigated corruption – and understanding the psychology of why voters keep voting for the same “brand” of candidate – because they didn’t want to “throw away” their vote – even after years and years of having nothing to show for it.

    Either voters a) don’t realize the consequences, b) their “give-a-damn” is broken, or c) it’s both. While this may mean we’re getting the government we deserve, it’s definitely not the government any of us need – no matter what letter you put behind your name.

  • What Type of Dog Doesn’t Bark?

    What Type of Dog Doesn’t Bark?

    Barking is a dog’s natural means of communication. Dogs bark for many different reasons, such as to get your attention, or because they think it’s a friendly way to greet people or other animals. Most other times, though, it’s when another person or animal enters into an area your dog considers his or her territory – and as the threat gets closer – the barking gets louder.

    Many have considered journalism to be like a “watchdog” of sorts, for the American people. Reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein are well-known for their investigative journalism of the Watergate Hotel break-in, which proved the press could still hold the government accountable – and this ultimately led to President Nixon’s resignation. Then, there are investigative reporters that rely on old-fashioned shoe-leather to uncover everything from public corruption in city hall, to exonerating death row inmates.

    Then, there are the Internet publications, where investigative journalists don’t need to wait and be hired by the New York Times or the Washington Post to make a difference – they can speak directly to the American people, immediately.

    For example, the Drudge Report uncovered the Monica Lewisnky affair with Bill Clinton in 1998. Project Veritas exposed, just this year, Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling body parts of babies it aborts on the open market.

    While these examples of investigative journalism are well-known, they are also rare. Take the failure of journalists to investigate and hold Wall Street mortgage banks, as well as the U.S. government, accountable in the many years leading up to the financial debacle of 2008.

    In that example, it wasn’t that the impending housing mortgage meltdown wasn’t plain to many journalists – it was – but the only ones that wrote about it didn’t work for the mainstream press. As a result, the public was left in the dark, and powerless against what became a very complex and costly crisis.

    As journalist Dean Starkman wrote his book, The Watchdog That Didn’t Bark: The Financial Crisis and the Disappearance of Investigative Journalism, the costs of the mortgage crisis was “10 million Americans uprooted by foreclosure with even more still threatened, 23 million unemployed or underemployed, whole communities set back a generation, shocking bailouts for the perpetrators, political polarization here and instability abroad.”

    This got me thinking. If hindsight is indeed 20/20, and if the best way to predict the future is to look at our past, might we again be left in the dark by the mainstream press today, with whom we are electing to the Presidency?

    In other words, is the mainstream press advocating for Hillary Clinton to be President? Many would not only say “yes”, but “hell yes!” In fact, journalists, reporters, news editors and television news anchors have contributed almost $400,000 to both presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, but a whopping 96% of those contributions were for Hillary Clinton.

    Not sure the mainstream press is leaving Americans in the dark this election?

    Well, how much mainstream press reporting do you see that explains that the number of those filing for unemployment benefits is at its highest in more than a year, and the number of layoffs planned this year is surging?

    Or that many Americans simply can’t afford to continue paying their Obamacare premiums, and that insurance companies are now raising premiums on everyone by as much as 60 percent next year? Or that two-thirds of the government-funded health insurance exchanges have gone bankrupt?

    How much mainstream reporting was there when Hillary Clinton said that our “religious beliefs” in our country have to be changed, even though our nation was founded by those seeking religious freedom? Or when she said that the policy of confiscating guns, as Australia did in 1996, is certainly “worth looking at,” even though crimes involving a firearm in Australia have now doubled?

    How much mainstream reporting do you see questioning Hillary Clinton’s support for Planned Parenthood over the past 30 years, even though they have been chopping up and selling baby body parts, like a poultry processor, and yet she still wants the federal funding for them to continue?

    How much mainstream reporting do you see, in the midst of the racial tensions in our country, that exposes the fact that since President Obama took office, black poverty is way up, and black employment is way down.

    The objective answer to these questions is “none”. You don’t see the mainstream press reporting on these issues, just like we didn’t see the mainstream press reporting what we needed to know, in the years leading up to the financial debacle of 2008.

    And I believe, and I trust you may be wondering too, if we’re about to let history repeat itself…and let a sleeping dog lie, again.

  • Makes No Sense

    Makes No Sense

    Why do “fat chance” and “slim chance” mean the same thing? And why did Japanese Kamikaze pilots wear crash helmets? And why do we always press harder on the television remote when it needs new batteries? These are questions that many feel the mind is simply incapable of answering. Of course, we could go on and on with similar conundrums, especially after watching the national Democrat convention in Philadelphia last month.

    For starters, how can 68% of Americans believe that Hillary Clinton is not honest and trustworthy – an all-time worst in her political career – yet the Democrat Party nominate her as their candidate for President of the United States? I mean, these negatives are higher than nearly any candidate in recent memory.

    And that’s not to mention that 2 out of 3 Americans view her unfavorably, according to a CBS poll, and only about 1 out 3 would feel “proud” to have her as President, according to a CNN poll.

    It just doesn’t make sense that almost one-half of Democrat primary voters still wish Bernie Sanders was the Party’s nominee, and yet Hillary Clinton still turned around and thumped Bernie’s supporters on the head – by hiring the very person, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who rigged Democrat Party support to ensure that Bernie would never have been the nominee in the first place.

    None of it makes any sense, except to Democrats, who are still planning to vote for Hillary because, well, that’s just what’s right and decent to them.

    But given all of the polling data regarding voter sentiment, from the Benghazi murders to the FBI investigation of her handling of classified information – not to mention a rigged Party nomination process – what is going through the minds of those who are nevertheless still chanting, “I’m with Hillary”?

    If this describes you, or someone you know, psychologists call this condition the “backfire effect”. This is when, after you have added an idea to your collection of core beliefs, you protect that idea from harm. Even in the face of inconsistent ideas or other information, you stick to your beliefs, instead of questioning them, nevertheless. This “backfire effect” has long-range, deleterious effects on one’s ability to understand the issues, and one’s willingness to analyze other points of view. This is mainly because we all tend to seek out information which confirms our current beliefs anyway.

    There are lots of examples of this, but consider the commonly held belief that Republicans are the Party of racism, while the Democrats are not. The facts don’t support this belief, but the “backfire effect” is clearly evident because the facts are tossed aside by all those wanting to protect the “idea” that Republicans are racist.

    For example, did you know that it was the Democrat Party’s tireless efforts to preserve and defend slavery that caused the Republican Party to be founded in the first place? Yes, Virginia, the Republican Party was formed as an opposition party to slavery.

    In fact, by 1861, the Republicans had elected their first president, Abraham Lincoln, and following the Civil War that ensued over this issue, slavery was ended. Racist groups, such as the KKK were, in fact, supported by the Democrat Party, and later defended by numerous government officials, including President Woodrow Wilson.

    Not sure about all that? Well, consider that the 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 0% Democrat support in Congress. That’s 0%. Not one Democrat supported the amendment. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 0% Democrat support in Congress. Again, that is 0% Democrat support.

    And for those who say, “Yeah, well, that’s all in the past and a long time ago,” well, let’s talk about the Democrat Party of today, then.

    Since 2008, black poverty is up, and black employment is down, even as Democrats controlled both the White House and the Congress. Forty percent of black males are incarcerated, and 72 percent of black children are still being born to unmarried mothers. There are fewer blacks participating in the labor force and the unemployment rate among blacks is more than double than it is among whites. And this is all happening under a federal government filled with Democrats. The same Democrat Party that has spent over 50 years, and billions of dollars, on social welfare programs of every kind, only to have the poverty rate even higher today than it was back then.

    And I won’t even get into how white voters in 2008 looked right past the color of skin, and then elected a black man to its highest office in the land.

    So, go ahead, dig in your heels, if you must, and dismiss the facts that show how the Democrat Party has paddled up this same river of division so many – and far too many times. The problem is they not only understand the “backfire effect”, but they are counting on it, to keep your vote. The question is, do they have a “fat chance,” or “slim chance,” of doing it?

  • Tone Deaf

    Tone Deaf

    Informed voters, they say, are essential to our democracy. Yet arguably, our democracy has thrived, for all intents and purposes, without informed voters. In 1850, only about 1 out of 2 school-aged children were enrolled in school – and for many of them, believe it or not, attended only one day a year. By 1870, emancipated blacks were granted the right to vote, by way of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, and their formal schooling was even less – 1 out of 10 were enrolled in school.

    Fast forward to our modern day electorate, and you’ll see over the past 30 years year that states have begun allowing ex-felons to vote, adding nearly 1 million to the voter registration rolls – and studies have shown that incarcerated people are among the least well educated in our country.

    And while 9 out of 10 Americans are highschool graduates today; in the 1950s, only 5 out of 10 were. In the late 1800s, it was only 1 out of 10.

    So, as you can tell, formally educated voters have not always been part of our democracy, yet it thrived, nonetheless. By contrast, many would say that we are more informed, better educated today than at any time in our nation’s history, yet voter involvement is still at its lowest point.

    But if our country’s formal education level is higher today than it has ever been, why is voter participation at its lowest level since World War II? The most recent, 2014 mid-term election, for example, saw only 36 percent of eligible voters casting their ballots.

    It could be, for many voters, not so much that they are uninformed (although many are), but perhaps their “give-a-damn” about the issues is broken. And why wouldn’t it be? Most Americans say that elected officials put their own interests ahead of the people’s, and even more say that cannot trust Washington to do what is right – not even most of the time.

    More than half of all Americans believe that government is almost always wasteful and inefficient, and most would NOT even like to see their child enter politics as a career.

    And can we blame them? From one Executive Order after another, to a nearly open border with Mexico, to continued deficit spending by Congress, to our skyrocketing national debt of $19 trillion, to our federally controlled education standards, and the rising cost of healthcare, not to mention higher taxes on working Americans, and assaults on our religious liberty or the right to bear arms, it just seems that Washington isn’t listening at all to we, the people.

    That gives us a sense that no matter what we do, as voters, we’re largely ineffective at policymaking, or making a real difference on legislation that matters – whether it’s in Washington or in Baton Rouge. So, why bother, at all?

    Then, here at home, our Caddo Parish commissioners increased their own salaries 170% since 1995, without asking us. And then we matched their retirement contributions to the tune of almost 2 to 1; for every $1 they contributed to their retirement, the taxpayers contributed almost $2. Again, without asking us.

    Also, here at home, our Caddo Parish schools are rated worse than any other school system in our state, as the state of Louisiana has declared that 63% of our schools are failed or failing, even though Caddo Parish taxpayers have spared little expense – contributing nearly $500 million a year towards educating our children.

    For all these examples, and many others, as well, it suddenly becomes a question of, “Why bother paying attention?”

    I can tell you why bother. Because freedom without participation is meaningless. Because we in America do not have government by the majority, as Thomas Jefferson said, “We have government by the majority who participate”. And we must participate.

    The Bible teaches us that the failure to do something that one can, and ought to do, is sinful. James 4:17 reads, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

    This means we cannot take the attitude of, “to each his own”. Or looking the other way when there is corruption in our community, or remain at home on election day because we’re too busy. And we shouldn’t ride people out of town on a rail because they propose a new tax or a new law, nor because they oppose the same. Instead, we should get involved.

    When we stop being a victim of our circumstances, or otherwise convincing ourselves that that there is nothing we can do to make a difference in Washington or Baton Rouge, our lives will change, and so will our country.

    And the best part – you don’t need any formal education to figure that out.

  • Just Because I Said It…

    Just Because I Said It…

    During last year’s gubernatorial campaign, Governor John Bel Edwards explained that he was a conservative Southern Democrat, and West Point graduate who was pro-life and pro-gun. At times, though, he seemed almost ashamed to stand with his own Democrat Party, whose party platform represents irreconcilable differences with many of John Bel Edwards’ stated positions.

    President Obama even distanced himself from John Bel Edwards during the campaign for governor. The White House would later announce that the President would not endorse John Bel Edwards, at all, even though John Bel Edwards was the only Democrat in the race.

    Confusing, I know.

    And then presumed Democrat Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton visited Baton Rouge last September, but Democrat candidate John Bel Edwards would not even appear on stage with her, or any of the other Democrat Party officials from around the state, who had assembled that day for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign rally and fundraiser. His reason: “scheduling” issues.

    Things are different now, after the election, though. So when Democrat Party officials and President Obama came to Baton Rouge (just this month), Governor Edwards was center stage this time, shoulder-to-shoulder with his fellow Democrats, and meeting with the President privately. The President praised the new governor publicly saying, “I’m just so proud of him, and I know he’s going to do some great work.”

    Presumably that “work” will include John Bel Edwards’ support of teachers’ unions, expanding the size of government, increasing public spending, raising taxes, pandering to minority voters, increasing the minimum wage, and keeping an open mind when it comes to supporting Planned Parenthood in Louisiana, accepting Syrian refugees, and establishing sanctuary cities in our state.

    If this is the work ahead, the Edwards’ administration has a steep mountain to climb in what is still a deeply conservative state, where voters elected Republicans to a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives – 61 out of the 105 – and in the Senate, where voters elected Republicans to 25 out of 39 seats. Knowing this, John Bel Edwards promised in his first press conference after the election that “we will be very inclusive and moderate.”

    Moderate? The “great work” the President praised (and expects) from John Bel Edwards is anything but “moderate”, though. So, which John Bel Edwards will be our governor for the next 4 years? For many, that’s a rhetorical question.

    For others, having to ask the question, in the first place, represents an underlying basis for their distrust of politicians, government, political parties, and the election process, altogether. It’s no doubt the main reason that there are more voters registering as “no party” in Louisiana than are registering as Republicans or Democrats, combined.

    Consider Jay Dardenne, as an example of how voters come to believe that politics is less about principles and more about illusions, or smoke and mirrors. While he was campaigning as a Republican candidate last year to be governor of Louisiana, Jay called John Bel Edwards’ Obamacare expansion proposal “foolish and insolvent” and that John Bel Edwards was “writing a check Louisiana can’t cash”. He said that John Bel Edwards only proposes “more and more debt” and that his promises represent a “liberal fantasyland,” adding, “he cannot bring all of Louisiana together”.

    So now, after he said all of that to the voters, what do you think that Jay Dardenne did next, after the primary election? Well, he endorsed John Bel Edwards, of course.

    Then, as fate would have it, Jay Dardenne was then named John Bel Edwards’ Commissioner of Administration – which is the new governor’s chief administrator – and now Jay will be working to turn those “liberal fantasyland” promises into reality for the rest of us.

    So did Jay Dardenne not mean what he said during the campaign? Or is it like that Adele song where she says, “just because I said it, doesn’t mean I meant it”?

    The bottom line is that until we, the voters, require honesty from our elected officials, and hold them accountable with our votes, and our attention to the issues, throughout the year, the dishonesty will continue. As with any good illusion, the hand is truly quicker than the eye, and without attentiveness, elected officials will continue to lie to us, “for our own good”.

    And whether you call it misrepresentations, omissions, exaggerations, denials, lack of transparency, fabrications, cover ups, broken promises, hypocrisy, or bait and switch – it’s not good for any of us, or the legacy that we will leave for the next generation.

    Whatever you believe, just be authentic with the voters. Don’t lie to make yourself look better, or conceal mistakes, protect your reputation, deflect the blame, deceive people, or steal the credit. Yes, I know, lots of people lie. In fact, Americans average about 11 lies per week.

    But honesty means everything, and it’s not just a “Republican” or “Democrat” thing, it’s a “human being” thing. And we remember someone’s honesty, or the lack of it, long after the details of its subject matter are long forgotten. Lyndon Johnson lied about Vietnam. Richard Nixon lied about Watergate. Bill Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky. These are just a few examples.

    So, to the new administration, and legislature, in Baton Rouge, just know the voters will remember your honesty too, as you serve our state. We can handle the truth, we just shouldn’t be expected to manage our lives – or continue to vote for you – in the absence of it.


  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind

    Out of Sight, Out of Mind

    There are not many readers who would encourage smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking drugs while pregnant. In fact, many people become angry – and sad – when they see reports on television, or read stories in the newspapers about women who abused alcohol, or ingested methamphetamines, for example, during their pregnancies, and their babies suffered, as a result.

    Recently, there was a story of a 22-year old mom from Tulsa who gave birth to a premature baby while she was high on drugs, and then placed the infant on a pile of trash and did nothing while the baby turned blue. Or the heart-wrenching stories from hospitals, where often a baby’s first experience of the world is the slow withdrawal from drugs, as they suffer vomiting, diarrhea, low-grade fevers, and seizures, because their mom abused heroin, for example, during her pregnancy (heroin use by women alone, incidentally, is up 100% since 2009).

    Even the unapologetically, pro-choice magazine, Cosmopolitan, recently tweeted out that it was “REALLY disturbing” to see how unborn babies react when their mothers smoke and that “nicotine is terrible for unborn children”.

    On one hand, then, there are those whose hearts hurt for the babies in the neonatal intensive care units, or the addicted babies whose pain can be viewed through the monitor during an ultrasound scan.

    And on the other hand, many of these same people remain silent on – or even promote – the matter of abortion or the selling of fetal body parts for science, which are harvested from those abortions.

    The trouble for those whose hearts cry out for the newborn child suffering in NICU with tremors and sweating, and not for the unborn child killed in a way that would best preserve its body parts for sale, is that – for too long – out of sight has been also out of mind.

    But as technology continues to make more visible the life of the unborn (and no longer out of sight) remaining silent is becoming more difficult to reconcile with one’s conscience. After all, for many, abortion is a private decision only between a woman and her doctor, as part of a Constitutional right to privacy. If that’s true, then none of us have any standing to object to how many drugs or how much alcohol a pregnant woman ingests, which may be slowly killing her unborn child, since none of us have any standing, in the first place, to object to her killing the unborn child altogether, all at once.

    It’s insincere and inconsistent to express disapproval at a pregnant woman who is abusing drugs or alcohol, while at the same time we are condoning the killing of their unborn child. And until we reconcile this contradiction, the problem will only get worse.

    In fact, Louisiana already performs worse than nearly every other state in the nation for infant mortality rates, preterm births, low birth weights, etc.

    And that is saying a lot, because nationally the number of addicted babies admitted to neonatal intensive care units has nearly quadrupled – with a new addicted baby being born every 25 minutes.

    There are some people that say the dangers of alcohol or cocaine to the unborn child, for example, are exaggerated, and that calls for concern are merely the invention of pro-life supporters who are wanting to find ways to criminalize abortion, and interfere with the relationship between a woman and her doctor.

    The problem with that is the federal government’s own studies, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which indicate that the suffering to both the mother and unborn child are real. They concluded that smoking during pregnancy can cause tissue damage in the unborn baby, particularly in the lung and brain, and babies whose mothers smoked are about three times more likely to die from SIDS.

    They found that mothers who drink alcohol can cause the baby to develop issues in learning and remembering, understanding, and following directions, controlling emotions, communicating, and socializing. And their statistics show that taking drugs during pregnancy also increases the likelihood of birth defects and stillborn births.

    But all of this is only important if you end giving birth to the child in the first place. Otherwise, if the unborn child is killed and its body parts are sorted for sale, it’s just another day at the abortion clinic.

    For the pro-choice crowd, however, that’s seems more desirable, since for them it is more painful to see a child suffering on life-support, than after an abortion and on the inventory sheet.


  • Call Me Mannerly, First

    Call Me Mannerly, First

    Do you know that there are 50 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute? Or that there are 6,000 messages sent on Twitter every second? And that there are more than a billion people who are regularly sharing stories, links, photos and videos on Facebook? It reminds me of the Toby Keith song from 2001, “I Want To Talk About Me”:

    I want to talk about me
    Want to talk about I
    Want to talk about number one
    Oh my me my
    What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
    I want to talk about me

    Our nation, and indeed the world, has increasingly placed a greater emphasis on the fact that each of us should do what makes us feel good, or comfortable, regardless of how good, or comfortable, doing such makes others feel – and to make sure everyone knows we’re doing it. Some say that the self-esteem movement from the 1980s is to blame, as many parents and teachers emphasized the confidence of children as priority, rather than making the children face the consequences of their choices, or otherwise “feel” bad.

    At Jesuit High School in New Orleans, for example, there recently were ten valedictorians recognized at graduation. At some high schools there are more than 100 valedictorians. Now, many schools are abandoning the recognition of valedictorian altogether, because of how it makes the other students “feel”.

    Many schools also won’t even post the honor roll any longer because how it makes those students “feel” who do not qualify. In fact, schools now have created the “Effort Honor Roll.” This is for the kids who want to “feel” good about not qualifying to be on the honor roll, in the first place. And at Field Day, yes, everyone gets a ribbon, just for participating.

    To borrow a line from the movie, The Incredibles, “Everyone’s special,” says one character, only to have another reply, “Which is another way of saying no one is.”

    You see, we’ve watered-down our standards so much that it’s quite easy for no one to feel special, or to be recognized for any extraordinary achievement or applauded for their good choices, since we don’t want to make any one “feel” bad for making bad ones.

    Maybe this lack of feeling special is why narcissism is on the rise, where more and more people find the need to inflate their view of themselves, leading to relative indifference of the needs of others. In fact, compared to 30 years ago, 70 percent of students today score higher on narcissism, and lower on empathy. This means more people than ever are willing to share more and more lurid details of their lives with you and me.

    But is that a good thing, for any of us?

    Look at Bruce Jenner, for example. He says he has always been a woman, and that by making this transition, “We’re going to change the world.” Regardless of your opinion of his particular situation, do we need to know the most intimate details of complete strangers? What greater good does it serve, other than the way it makes the person sharing the details “feel”?

    Is it a good thing that my 8 year-old son knows that a father can become a woman, because of a new television series being advertised on the Disney Channel? No, it’s not.

    Forget about the subject matter, though. Today it’s gender selection. Next week it could be polygamy. Next year it will be who knows what. That’s not the point. Morality aside, at the end of the day, we should only share intimate details about ourselves to complete strangers if it would be mannerly to do so.

    “Manners,” says Emily Post, “are sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners.” Without that awareness, you don’t.

    Manners are more than choosing the right fork at dinner, or placing your napkin in your lap. It’s more than if you notice someone has a zipper down or an earring that is missing, and you take them aside in private and tell them. Or if someone tells a story wrong, you just let it go without correcting them. Or if you want to tell a child about how a man can become a woman, and decide that’s really a discussion for the child’s parents to have.

    Being mannerly means being aware that what you do, or share with others, affects the greater good for us all. It means recognizing that no one should “feel” good at the expense of everyone else’s liberty, whether it’s removing references to God in our schools or to raising expectations from one another – even at the risk of hurt feelings.

    There are parents, for example, who insist their children be respected by the teacher, and yet they are disrespectful to the teachers themselves. Or those who demand respect from law enforcement officers, but are often anything but respectful, in return.

    Will the number of people who believe the world revolves them continue to grow? It may. But in the meantime, folks can call you Caitlyn or Bruce, or whatever you like. As for me, I’d like to call you mannerly first.

  • Tell Me You Love Me

    Tell Me You Love Me

    Self-blame is one of the most toxic forms of emotional abuse. Psychologists say that it exaggerates our perceived inadequacies, whether real or imagined, and creates an illusory ideal that we simply cannot meet.

    In fact, in the Book of James, we are reminded that “we all stumble in many ways” and from the Book of Ecclesiastes, we know “there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins”. After all, we are imperfect beings.

    And despite our imperfections, we also know, in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, that “(t)he only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” This applies to nations, as well.

    Now, thankfully, America has never chosen the “do nothing” path of life. From Bunker Hill to the Battle of the Bulge to the Berlin Wall, over 2.8 million soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in combat, defending our nation’s liberty, and making the world safer. This is America’s legacy.

    But when we don’t recognize our own humanity – our imperfection – when we begin to blame (and shame) ourselves when things go wrong. Have you ever seen yourself as the problem when things seem to go wrong in your life? Or blamed yourself?

    Well, President Obama and other folks in Washington certainly have, except it’s our country that they blame most often for everything that has gone wrong in the past – and that will be wrong in the future, as well.

    Just last week, at an Easter Prayer Breakfast at the White House, the President blamed “less-than-loving expressions by Christians” who do not care enough for others, even though he didn’t mention the murders of 147 students in Kenya for just being Christian. No mention made of the 100,000 Christians that are killed annually because of their faith, or the rise of anti-Christian violence in Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt. If only Christians cared more about others, this wouldn’t all be happening, right?

    On the terrorist front, the President says that America is to blame for the barbarism of ISIS, as well. After all, he said, when we send in our military and occupy a country, like we did in Iraq, we “end up feeding extremism.” It’s our fault, says the “blame America” crowd, and don’t forget Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib – we sorta of have it coming to us, they say.

    And when Iran says “Death to America”, or its regime shoots its own people in the streets, the President says that this is again, our fault, because the United States “meddled” in their democracy during the 1970s and 1980s, and sided with Iraq, in the Iran-Iraq war. And when Iran gets its own nuclear weapons, and strikes out against Israel, or launches an attack in our country? If you ask the President, that will again be our fault, as well.

    While visiting Turkey, Obama expressed his self-shame, on behalf of the country that elected him to their highest office in the land, saying, we’re still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. Our country still struggles with the legacies of slavery and segregation.” That might be true, but comparatively speaking, how about a mention of the Turkish government’s mass murder of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, as well?

    Obama has given countless interviews with international media, self-blaming us all profusely for those times “where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.” While in Spain, Obama said our foreign policy has sought to “dictate our terms,” and while on Arab television he shamed America by again apologizing for our “mistakes”.

    Think we’re done self-shaming America? Nope. In fact, we’re just getting started.

    How about when Obama’s approval ratings declined recently? Well, that is our fault too – it’s because our nation is too racist. Obama explained that, “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President.” Of course, right?

    Climate change? That’s America’s fault too, and Obama assured the international community that, “We recognize our role in creating this problem; we embrace our responsibility to combat it.” And that’s good to be so committed, because we’re on our own, it seems, to decarbonize the planet. China is building one coal-burning energy plant nearly every month and they’re spending $275 billion to establish a fracking program, plus they just signed a pipeline deal worth $300 billion with Russia – but America is creating the problem of polluting the environment? Really?

    Yes, we do have real issues that need solutions, and not merely words, or a lot of “feel good” hooey. But let’s focus on the bright spots, and what’s working, and do more of that going forward, and less blaming and shaming ourselves for what hasn’t worked in the past. When we do this, we only make room for the opportunities to make a better tomorrow, a stronger America, and a peaceful world.

    And yes, as the President said at the Easter Prayer Breakfast, people of faith are often counseled to extend loving-kindness to others.

    But Mr. President, couldn’t you extend this same loving-kindness to our own country, and cut us all a break, as well?

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